Learn Manual - Photography 4x weeks Virtual.

here is a inspirational course where I talk about some of my work and where my photography has come from. Some of the jobs i’ve managed to get. This online course will suit beginners as well as photographer looking for some inspiration.

  • Are you using your camera in Manual - if No then this is a definite .

  • Shutter speed , aperture and ISO explained (which I use first and why.

  • Are you confident with white balance and taking a custom white balance reading.

  • I’ll be talking about the pro’s and cons of using Automatic settings, Shutter and aperture priority.

  • talking and showing the difference in using Raw files v Jpegs.

  • types of memory cards to look for and avoid.

  • Composition.

  • I’ll be including a light painting lesson.

  • Homework for that would like to try something.

  • Lenses and Kit lenses - PRO’s and cons.

  • How to check if your sensors are dirty.

For everyone that joins the course you will be given the free goodies below.

  • 10 x Digital fine art backgrounds

  • 10 x Digital Textures

  • 10 x Skies for sky swapping

  • 10 x photoshop brushes

  • 10 x colour luts.

All this starts online on Wednesday evening 7pm 27th January 7pm then every Wednesday for a further 3 weeks at 7pm . Each session will last approximately 40 mins.

You would need to have a Facebook account to join the lessons. If you miss a lesson or would simply like to rewatch any lesson then they will be saved to the group where you will be added once payment for the course has been paid.

(All lesson will be deleted 1 x month after the course has finished but you will stay in the group for as long as you wish and every time I hold this course for new customers then your welcome to watch again and again . It will be slightly different every time with updated and new inspirational photos).

Cost if course £39

Use this link to book via PayPal . Fill out the payment amount and include your name as it is found on Facebook. Thanks


£80 for £100 credit


121 Sessions - MagMod